Background and Experience
The Liceo Scientifico and Artistico "Galileo Galilei" is a High School that specializes in Humanities and Scientific studies. The main subjects are Mathematics and Physics, Italian, Geography, Latin, English, Sciences, Arts, History and Philosophy. We have been constantly promoting, over the years, many projects and training courses on the basis of a European Development Plan , specifically designed for students and teachers, aimed at developing and enhancing the communicative competence in the English language to obtain the related English Language Qualifications and to fight school dispersion and drop-outs.
In a global communicative society, in fact, students need to gain the necessary Language and Cultural skills in order to play an adequate role within the European and International Community, and this has become a rather urgent priority in order to realize a more adequate and effective social and cultural inclusion at any level.
As the Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR – D.M. 20/12/2012 – D.D. 16/1/2013) has recently established, the educational challenge to be accomplished by Italian High Schools is now the Content and Language Integrated Learning (C.L.I.L.) and Teaching Methodology, a National Operational Plan in accordance with the Council of Europe Language Education Policies, aimed at promoting Plurilingualism, Linguistic Diversity, Mutual Understanding, Democratic Citizenship, Social Cohesion.
According to these guidelines, some specific Curriculum Subjects (among which Mathematics/Physics, History/Philosophy, Sciences) are taught through the English Language in the 5th classes of Licei.
Thanks to our highly scientific and technologically advanced Teaching/Learning context, some of our students have also won (1st - 4th Awards) a number of national and international competitions in the field of multimedia tools (Media Show, X-Media), witnessing our constant and further efforts in the development of digital technologies and competences. Such remarkable results attained over the years have been officially awarded, since last 2015-2016 school year, with the Ministry authorization for an additional new prestigious Course of Studies, the "Liceo Artistico - Indirizzo Audiovisivo-Multimediale", where our most motivated and talented students will have the great and extremely valuable opportunity to progress also through a technologically advanced and competitive Art-orienteed syllabus.
In addition, since last 2015-26 school year, we have also been officially accredited by Cambridge University with the official title to "Cambridge International School", and we are proud to offer the new International Course of Studies, the Cambridge IGCSE , a high-quality educational programme designed to engage students and give them solid foundations through the English Language, in order to achieve high levels of academic and personal attainment in a new and more international context. The new worldwide recognized course includes in fact an English Language Subject Curriculum built around the core of 5 IGCSE Subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, English as a Second Language), and relies on qualified and motivated Subject teachers working together with mother tongue colleagues on a weekly basis, (Subject Teachers with Certificates of levels in English competence, according to CEFR), offering an international cross-curricular perspective in teaching/learning.
The main objective of such Course is, for students, to totally master the English Language, to obtain the IGCSE in the above mentioned Subjects, and thus acquire a thorough and bilingual preparation that will certainly enable them to live, study or work in an international context.
The brilliant post-high school outcomes of our students actually indicate our students' University choices as it follows:
Social Economics: 28%
Scientific field: 23%
Architecture/Engineering: 21%
Humanities: 15%
Medicine and Sanitary: 9%
Military and else: 4%

In a global communicative society, in fact, students need to gain the necessary Language and Cultural skills in order to play an adequate role within the European and International Community, and this has become a rather urgent priority in order to realize a more adequate and effective social and cultural inclusion at any level.
As the Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR – D.M. 20/12/2012 – D.D. 16/1/2013) has recently established, the educational challenge to be accomplished by Italian High Schools is now the Content and Language Integrated Learning (C.L.I.L.) and Teaching Methodology, a National Operational Plan in accordance with the Council of Europe Language Education Policies, aimed at promoting Plurilingualism, Linguistic Diversity, Mutual Understanding, Democratic Citizenship, Social Cohesion.
According to these guidelines, some specific Curriculum Subjects (among which Mathematics/Physics, History/Philosophy, Sciences) are taught through the English Language in the 5th classes of Licei.
Thanks to our highly scientific and technologically advanced Teaching/Learning context, some of our students have also won (1st - 4th Awards) a number of national and international competitions in the field of multimedia tools (Media Show, X-Media), witnessing our constant and further efforts in the development of digital technologies and competences. Such remarkable results attained over the years have been officially awarded, since last 2015-2016 school year, with the Ministry authorization for an additional new prestigious Course of Studies, the "Liceo Artistico - Indirizzo Audiovisivo-Multimediale", where our most motivated and talented students will have the great and extremely valuable opportunity to progress also through a technologically advanced and competitive Art-orienteed syllabus.
In addition, since last 2015-26 school year, we have also been officially accredited by Cambridge University with the official title to "Cambridge International School", and we are proud to offer the new International Course of Studies, the Cambridge IGCSE , a high-quality educational programme designed to engage students and give them solid foundations through the English Language, in order to achieve high levels of academic and personal attainment in a new and more international context. The new worldwide recognized course includes in fact an English Language Subject Curriculum built around the core of 5 IGCSE Subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, English as a Second Language), and relies on qualified and motivated Subject teachers working together with mother tongue colleagues on a weekly basis, (Subject Teachers with Certificates of levels in English competence, according to CEFR), offering an international cross-curricular perspective in teaching/learning.
The main objective of such Course is, for students, to totally master the English Language, to obtain the IGCSE in the above mentioned Subjects, and thus acquire a thorough and bilingual preparation that will certainly enable them to live, study or work in an international context.
The brilliant post-high school outcomes of our students actually indicate our students' University choices as it follows:
Social Economics: 28%
Scientific field: 23%
Architecture/Engineering: 21%
Humanities: 15%
Medicine and Sanitary: 9%
Military and else: 4%
Posted by
Vincenza R. Barbone