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European "Horizons"

The main objectives of "On The Horizon" Project have been, in the order:
- To allow teachers to gain a more conscious and confident approach, effectively communicative and successful,  to the Learning/Teaching context.
- To experience a full-immersion situation in which teachers are stimulated, encouraged and helped to gain confidence and competence in the English Language.
- To enrich the educational community of our Liceo by enhancing and refining teachers' preparation in managing International Syllabuses through a direct involvement  and successful committment.
- To practice International Subject Syllabuses on a daily basis, together with experienced specific mother tongue teachers, in a more natural and collaborative atmosphere.
- To set up an English Language  specialized team of teachers, quite well representative of the Educational mission, vision and profile of our Liceo, in charge to properly and more effectively develop the new international dimension of our Liceo.
- To extend and transfer the newly acquired competences to every Department/Subject/Teacher and, subsequently,  to our Liceo as a whole educational community.
- To continue and improve the development of an increasingly strategic approach to Internationally motivating and challenging educational contexts, more widely participated and more efficaciously accomplished.
- To perform more properly in International classes, mastering the English Language in a more challenging Teaching situation, representing an increasingly credible model for our students.
- To encourage, develop, enhance and transfer our students' knowledge and competence not only in the English Language, but, thanks to it, to every field of knowledge, culture, action, allowing them to effectively acquire an extremely  valuable background of experience and practice that will certainly facilitate their International and European inclusion at any level: academic, social, professional, human.
- To strenghten and broaden teaching skills, so that they can improve our students' performances and enable them to widen their knowledge and competence.
- To export and promote our 1-year project and related experiences to other schools, teachers and classes, in our town, Italy or other countries. 
- To promote students'  self-study  as  a life-long learning ability in their future.

Stafford House, 2 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA, UK

Carl Roberton - Principal
Inga Frame - Student Services Manager

After the staff training abroad,  participants have actually improved their communicative, cultural and strategic skills, as it is witnessed by the Certificates of Achievements and Europasses Language Passports released by the Stafford House London, (located in Bloomsbury),  the Language Centre in charge of their training, which is part of  Stafford House School of English,  a subsidiary company of Cambridge Education Group Limited, Registered in England 06020370. Registered Office: Kett House, Station Road, Cambridge, UK, CB1 2JH. © 2015 Cambridge Education Group Limited. All rights reserved.

Florence Coquery - Teacher
Julian Francis - Director of Studies

Susi Wright - Assistant Director of Studies

Teachers have raised and reinforced their skills, which are  indispensable to the international scope of a European Learning/Teaching context. Through  the newly acquired competences/experiences/abilities, they have in fact planned and realized  a series of C.L.I.L. methodological practices and international Syllabus Teaching activities to be used in the following school years, and to be subsequently shared with  the other Subject Departments and Teachers of our Liceo. 
This Project Blog has been actually created as an online  "handbook" with the aim of disseminating our training mobility experience and to show the different key-actions to be taken in order to realize a successful European Development Plan  and brilliant C.L.I.L. practices. Multimedia products for C.L.I.L. and International Syllabuses are presented in different Subjects and are available to anyone interested.
Conferences and workshops for disseminating our Project results are being organized and held at our Liceo in order to export the newly acquired teaching practice in C.L.I.L. Methodology and International Syllabuses.
Furthermore,  "On The Horizon" has been intended to represent  an effective action to a kind of learning/teaching context  that is the actual product of direct experience, in charge of a series of responsibilities  aimed at consolidating and exporting values such as egalitarianism, democracy, collaboration, social inclusion, and able to stimulate and encourage  students and teachers with the necessary confidence towards the challenge of new C.L.I.L. curricula and syllabuses, making them more receptive and welcoming to the new teaching methodologies and their cognitive and emotional implications.
The targets of our dissemination are certainly Middle and High schools of our territory, their staff and students. Being accredited as Cambridge International School for the study of English by Cambridge University, we are concerned with spreading  our "Best Practices" and experiences  to other school communities. 

CPE Teacher Mark Beasley at work
 London Stafford House - School of English